Pets Unlimited

Pets Unlimited

Founded in 1947 by San Francisco residents concerned about the city's stray animals, Pets Unlimited got its start rescuing dogs from the city pound and finding them homes.

Over the years, they built a 24-hour veterinary hospital to provide state-of-the-art care to their shelter animals as well as the San Francisco Bay Area community. A portion of every dollar spent on veterinary services supports their ongoing work of animal rescue and adoption. As the clinic cares for its patients, the proceeds help to ensure the well-being of many more of the city's dogs and cats in need.

alton-pets unlimitedAmong Pets Unlimited's current foundlings in search of a home is little Alton, a sensitive young fellow who arrived via the Yolo County animal shelter. He has a sweet disposition, does well with adults and older kids, and is looking for a life that includes frequent outings and quiet time on the couch.

Posted on: June 8, 2011

pets unlimited, san francisco dog and cat rescue, san francisco veterinary hospital
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